Intune: DO & Uninstall settings for Applications managed by Patch My PC.

If you are using Intune and Patch My PC (PMPC) to keep your applications up to date, you might want to be aware of the following limitations (The good thing is that they are working on fixing this).

Do settings:

If you experience slow download speeds for applications you have made available through the Company Portal, this is properbly the root cause.

When PMPC creates or updates an application it will set the default “Delivery optimization priority” to “Content download in background”.

This results in the application download to not be prioritized very high. What I noticed in the IntuneManagementExtension.log is that the download will pause for about 10 minutes before actually initiating. This is fine for “Update” packages that are required, but for Applications made available, it’s a really bad user experience. Switching the “Delivery optimization priority” to “Content download in foreground” will remove this delay and your packages will download and install much faster.

Unfortunately when PMPC updates an application, it won’t currently keep the setting from the previous version of the package but simply override it with the “Content download in background” again, so in order to make sure that applications that are made available are set to “Content download in foreground”, you have to go and set this manually or via a script on each application update.

The good news is that the fine folks at PMPC is working on a fix for this so that we will be able to set the DO setting for applications via the publisher.
You can follow the progress here:

Uninstall setting:

As with the DO settings, new applications made available via PMPC will per default not allow applications to be uninstalled even if the previous version of the app were configured to allow uninstall.

Again the PMPC team is on it and hopefully they will have it fixed rather sooner than later:

In the meantime you can use Andrew Taylors sweet script that makes it much easier for you to enable the “Allow available uninstall” setting on multiple apps at the same time.

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